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Migdal is located in the heart of a thriving daati leumi community in Modi’in and is closely affiliated with Kehillat Tzeirei Modi'in and other batei knesset throughout the city. Our Yeshiva is one that is closely embedded into the life of our community, and we form an integral Torah center for its members. Students are regularly invited to the homes of local families for Shabbat hospitality throughout the year, ensuring that they feel at home during their year in Israel. The community and its members consider our students part of their families, developing lasting relationships even beyond their time in Migdal.


Migdal HaTorah

Migdal offers a unique and extraordinary experience for post yeshiva high school students. We aim to cultivate a holistic ben-Torah, who excels in all aspects of life. A strong emphasis is placed on in-depth analytical study as well as the development of proper middot.

Yeshiva University and Migdal HaTorah partnership

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